SunMaid 20 Rules and Restrictions
Class Name:
The name of the class shall be Sunmaid 20.Insignia:
The class insignia shall consist of a red shaded circle 300 mm in diameter with a red letter "M", 150 mm high, placed immediately below the circle.Registration:
On completion of manufacture, a class number shall be allocated by the Sunmaid Association of Victoria Inc., and it shall be displayed on the hull of the yacht and on the sails, in accordance with the requirements of Yachting Victoria. Where club sail numbers are required to be used, the class registration number shall be displayed on the hull.Crew:
A minimum crew of two, including the skipper, is required, each of whom shall be capable of manoeuvring the yacht single handed in an emergency.Amendments to Class Rules and Restrictions:
Amendments to the Class Rules and Restrictions may be made only at a properly constituted committee meeting of the Sunmaid Association of Victoria Inc., after prior consultation with Sunmaid 20 owner-members.Hull and Deck:
The hull and deck shall be produced from approved moulds which conform to the Sunmaid 20 drawings by John Brooke MRINA - Drawing No 182, Issue 6. Hull and deck includes cockpit, interior, centreboard case and hatch mouldings. Lead ballast shall be as prescribed by the designer and shall be securely fixed in place. Materials for the hull shall be solid glass reinforced plastic (GRP) except that timber and other materials may be used for fitting out purposes.
The completed hull, deck, interior mouldings, ballast, centreplate, interior timberwork, engine, fuel and water tanks, mast, boom, rigging, spinnaker pole, sails, cushions and rudder shall have a minimum mass of 1070 kg - the Yachting Victoria Mass.
Waterline marks in the form of 12 mm diameter circles in a colour contrasting with that of the hull shall be affixed to the hull on the centreline at bow and stern. The bow mark shall be located 972 mm below the lowest point of the bronze bow fitting, following the curvature of the bow at the centreline. The stern mark shall be located 12 mm above the intersection of the transom and the hull bottom, at the centreline.Centreplate:
A galvanised steel swing centreplate, made from ½" or 12 mm thick plate, shall be of a shape prescribed by the designer. Its mass shall be approximately 60 kg. Fairing or streamlining of the plate is not permitted. Where the Sailing Instructions or Racing Rules of a body conducting any event permit, the plate may be raised whilst sailing or racing.Rudder:
The rudder shall be of a swing type and hung on the transom. The rudder blade shall be of the size and shape shown on the designer's Drawing No 182, Issue 6.Spars:
The mast and boom shall be manufactured from the aluminium sections prescribed. The spinnaker pole may be of any material.
The mast section shall be E7650 (105 X 74 mm). The length, including end fittings, shall be 7600 ± 20 mm overall. The backstay shall be attached to the masthead fitting which may also support the main halliard turning block, topping lift and spinnaker halliard.
The forestay and cap shrouds shall be attached to the mast at a point 7070 ± 20 mm above the mast base. Spreaders shall be attached to the mast at a point 3770 ± 20 mm above the mast base and shall be 630 mm in length. The inner forestay and lower shrouds shall be attached to the mast at a point 3720 ± 20 mm above the mast base.
The gooseneck fitting for the boom shall be fitted in such a position that the top of the boom lies 530± 20 mm above the cabin top when measured along the aft edge of the mast.
Two bands of colour, contrasting with the colour of the mast and not less than 20 mm wide, shall be painted on the mast at a distance of not more than 6750 mm apart. The top edge of the lower band shall line up with the upper edge of the boom when the boom is in its functional position.
The boom section shall be E7568 (80 X 59 mm). The length shall not exceed 3020 mm from the centre of the gooseneck pin to the end fitting.A band of colour, contrasting to that of the boom and not less than 20 mm wide, shall be painted on the boom with its inner edge 2750 mm from a point where the projection of the aft side of the mast intersects the top of the boom, when the boom is in its proper position relative to the mast.
Spinnaker Pole:
The pole, when stripped of all fittings, shall be capable of being passed through a 100 mm diameter ring. When the pole is attached to its mast fitting and is held horizontal and at right angles to the centreline of the hull, the distance from the centreline of the mast to the inside of the beak shall not exceed 2750 mm.Rigging:
Standing rigging shall be set up in accordaance with the designer's Drawing No S182, Issue 6. Adjustment during a race is permitted only on the backstay and inner forestay. Twin forestays or other means of facilitating headsail changes shall be permitted.Sails:
Maximum sail dimensions, when stretched firmly by hand on the floor, shall be:
Luff. 6700mm; Foot. 2700mm; Leech. 7220mmWhen the mainsail is set no part of it shall be outside right angle projections from the lower edge of the upper mast band and the inner edge of the boom band, as described in Clause 9, respectively. The number of battens in the mainsail shall not exceed three and the total length of battens shall not exceed 2500 mm.
No 1 Genoa
Luff. 7160mm; Foot. 3580mm; Leech. 6930mmThe recommended dimensions for smaller headsails are:
No 2 Genoa
Luff. 6250mm; Foot. 2900mm; Leech. 5640mm
Working Jib
Luff. 5640mm; Foot. 2290mm; Leech. 4720mm
Storm Jib
Luff. 4240mm; Foot. 1910mm; Leech. 3050mm
Luff. 7620mm; Foot. 4570mm; Half height width 4300mm
To measure the half height width of a spinnaker:
Fold the sail so that the luffs coincide and the foot is folded equally.
Fold the luffs so that the head coincides with the foot. Ensure that the folded sail is properly spread on the floor.
Measure the width at the top of the folded sail, at right angles to the luffs.
Double this measurement to give the half height width.
The recommended sizes for a smaller spinnaker intended for use:
By inexperienced crews.
In fresh winds or when shy reaching in moderate winds.
When cruising are:
Luff7160 mmFoot4110 mmHalf height width3350 mm
Only one spinnaker may be in use at any one time.
The following are not permitted:Bowsprits or bumkins.
Outriggers for sheeting sails.
Any device, such as a trapeze, extending outboard to support crew members.
Sail markings other than the insignia, registration numbers or manufacturer's trade marks.
Reinforcement of sail corners other than as required to provide security for cringles.
Mainsail headboards with a maximum dimension in excess of 120 mm.
Sails manufactured from Mylar or Kevlar materials.
Headsails fitted with battens.
Bloopers and other sails not fitting the descriptions and restrictions of Clause 11.
Cabin Fittings:
While racing, the following furniture shall be contained in the yacht:Bunk cushions.
General timber fitout.
Auxiliary Power:
Sunmaid 20s shall be fitted with an outboard auxiliary engine. Whilst racing, removal of the engine from its bracket is prohibited.
The minimum power for an auxiliary engine shall be 5 horsepower (3.73 KW).Class Basic Handicap Measurements:
Deviation from the current, published Class Basic Handicap (Yachting Victoria) measurements for the Sunmaid 20 is not permitted.Safety:
Current Australian Yachting Federation "Special Regulations for Racing Boats" shall apply in all races. The category shall be specified in the Sailing Instructions for the particular race or series. In addition to the AYF regulations it is a requirement of the Sunmaid Association of Victoria Inc. that all Sunmaid 20s be fitted with an effective boarding ladder.Dispensation:
The Association reserves the right for its Committee to grant temporary dispensation to yachts not meeting these Rules and Restrictions. Such dispensation will only be granted for minor deficiencies and shall apply only for a particular race or series.
The Sunmaid 20 Rules and Restrictions were originally prepared in August 1984 and edited in September 2004.